Multi color kundan stone chokar with earring
Blue white and pink color kemp stone choker with earring
Kemp ring
Pink stone ring
Green stone ring
mint green stone ring
Maroon stone ring
kemp stone and kundan earrings
Blue and pink kemp stone stud
Dual tone earring
Dual tone choker with earring
Silver look alike handmade Long necklace with purple beads and earring
Pink kempstone necklace with earring
Blue kempstone necklace with earring
Blue and pink colcor kundan choker with earring
Green and pink colcor kundan choker with earring
Multi colcor kundan choker with earring
White colcor kundan choker with earring
White, pink and blue kundanchoker with earring
White Kundan choker with earring
White, pink and green kundanchoker with earring
Green and white kundan choker with earring
Blue and pink colcor kemp stone choker with earring
Multi color kemp stone choker with earring
Designer pendant with kundan kemp and moizzanite stones, and chain with emrald and pearls